Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mushrooms in Texel's Dunes


Anonymous said...

son realmente grandes esos hongos o es la toma que hiciste se ven estupendos

Paul said...

Hi Diegol. I used Google translate again to understand your words (it's nice to try and read them in Spanish first, and try to make sense of them... I'm learning!)

This is what Google made of it: "These fungi are really big or is making you did look great"

Yeah, they were quite big, but probably not as huge as the pictures suggest. I took a very low camera view point (some people that passed me by must have thought that I am a crazy man, lying on the ground like that. But how else can you respect nature and choose interesting angles for a more artistic look at mushrooms?)

Ron said...

Holy cow! Those are some huge mushrooms. Where is this place?

Paul said...

Hi Ron! The mushrooms seem so big because our country is so small ;-)
This is Texel, the largest and south westernmost of the Dutch Wadden islands. Visit Google earth, type Texel and have a look for yourself! Even better: visit this island if you ever decide to come to our country. Too many foreigners only go to Amsterdam - in my opinion. Amsterdam is a beautiful city, but there are more places here that are worth visiting!
The mushrooms were quite big, but I also took a low camera angle, just to make it look more interesting.

Zohre said...

Nice!I like that. :)